About Affinity Dental
Our Mission
Our Vision
Our Values
Passion for Work. We believe that to succeed, we have to truly love what we do. We are passionate about our work, our customers, our goals and our company.
Determination to Succeed. We are determined to succeed in everything we do by performing our work to the best of our abilities and consistently achieving our goals.
Commitment to Excellence. We believe in promoting a culture of excellence. We are committed to be the best in our profession as dental care professionals through the pursuit of continuing education, training and experience.
Pursuit of Quality. We observe the highest standards of quality in the products we sell, the supplies we use and the services we perform.
Extraordinary Customer Service. To create the best dental care experience for our customers, we do not stop at only meeting their expectation. We go to extraordinary lengths to satisfy and delight our customers. We exceed expectations of customers in everything we say and do, every time and all the time.
Serving with Integrity and Compassion. As professionals delivering dental care, we always serve our customers with integrity and compassion. The health, safety and best interest of our customers is our priority.
Our Purpose
- We are committed to the development and promotion of world class dental care in the country.
- We strive to offer our customers high quality dental services that improve their health, well-being and quality of life.
Our Employees
- We believe that our corporate goals can be achieved by encouraging and assisting employees in the achievement of their personal goals.
- We provide our employees with a challenging work environment that rewards employees for performance and contribution to the Company.
- We share Affinity Dental’s success with the people who make it possible.

Our Customers
- Our ability to satisfy and exceed our customers’ needs and expectations is the foundation of our business.
- We provide accurate solutions and deliver only the highest quality dental services to our customers.
- We provide consistent and quality customer service in every aspect of our operations.
- We establish long lasting business relationships based on quality, performance and integrity with our customers.
Our Community
- We contribute to our community by promoting and providing quality dental care.
- We are committed to be an important and valued member of every community where we operate.
- We are committed to promote the importance of dental care in the country through the communities we serve.
- We are committed to contribute to the development of our communities through the success of our business.
Industry Leadership
- We are committed to be an industry leader in terms of our ability to consistently innovate our products and services.
- We are committed to lead the industry in transforming the landscape of dental care in the country.
- We are committed to obtaining a large share of the market segments we serve.
Commitment to Quality
- We believe that our success and leadership is anchored on our ability to provide high quality products and services to our customers and the ability of our people to deliver exemplary customer service.
- We believe that the pursuit of quality can only be achieved with the dedication and commitment of all employees to perform their duties to the best of their abilities.
- We are committed to continuously improve the quality of our products and services as a means to not only achieve greater customer satisfaction, but also to achieve higher productivity and lower costs.

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