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Smile Blog

5 Truths About Invisalign

5 Truths About Invisalign Many people struggle with crooked teeth, misaligned teeth, or an overbite. This occurrence is more common than what we'd like to admit, and it causes certain insecurities that may be a hassle for day-to-day life....

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What’s The Reason Behind Morning Breath?

What's The Reason Behind Morning Breath? Morning breath, or bad breath when we wake up in the morning, is a normal occurrence for most people. Certain individuals struggle with bad breath, and may even be a detriment to their social skills....

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Oral Care Tips for the Summer Season

Oral Care Tips for the Summer Season The sun is up high, temperatures are rising, children don't have school for two more months, people are planning for their weekend getaways -- summer is definitely here. And as with all the merriment that...

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Bleeding Gums: Causes and Self-Care Tips

Bleeding Gums: Causes and Self-Care Tips While spitting out some blood after brushing your teeth is a cause for concern, it is a common occurrence which dentists tackle almost every day. You need not panic, for there are explanations on why gums bleed, how...

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How long will porcelain veneers last?

How long will porcelain veneers last? Porcelain veneers are extremely-thin coatings, made out of teeth-colored materials, which cover the front part of the teeth. This coat is applied to the teeth to change their color, shape, or even size....

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Dental Etiquette : 7 Do’s and Don’ts

Dental Etiquette : 7 Do's and Don'ts A sizable portion of the worldwide population suffers from a certain fear of going to the dentist.  In fact, in America alone, an estimated nine to fifteen percent of individuals actively avoid their dental...

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Approved Tips for Your Baby’s Teeth

Approved Tips for Your Baby's Teeth All parents look forward to the day their babies grow their very own first set of teeth. An often-celebrated milestone in their early lives, not only does this signify their transition to more solid food,...

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6 Things Your Dentist Wants You To Know

6 Things Your Dentist Wants You To Know Medical professionals are often looked up to as those we run to whenever we feel something wrong with our bodies -- and dentists are no exception to that. Their knowledge and expertise are nothing to be...

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Dental Veneers: Vanity or Necessity?

Dental Veneers: Vanity or Necessity? A common problem that affects self-esteem for most are their teeth. May it be discolored, or possess gaps, it is an easily noticeable facial feature which makes many people insecure. Dental Veneers For...

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Get Whiter Teeth Before Prom

Get Whiter Teeth Before Prom Prom is less than a week away. Your dress is ready. Your hair and makeup appointments have been scheduled. But you're worried about your teeth -- they're not as white as you'd like them to be, and you're afraid it...

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